
If you’re looking for a job in horticulture, no matter your skill level we are always hiring!

Job Seeker FAQs

How Long Can My Employment Be With Hort Staff?

If you are a Permanent Australian Resident or Citizen then there is no limitation on the period of time you can work for Hort Staff. If you hold a WHV (Working Holiday Visa) then you can only work for Hort Staff for a period of 6 months on full-time hours. You can also work for Hort Staff under a Study Visa, however, you are limited with the days you can work. Therefore, this may not be suitable for some contracts as the requirement could be full-time.

How Many Hours In A Day Can I Work?

Standard working hours are normally 8 hours, but can vary depending on the job requirements. Some days could be longer than 8 hours, which then overtime rates would then be applicable.

Do I Require Any Particular Licences Or Qualifications?

You require a Work Health and Safety Induction Card (White Card) in order to work with Hort Staff. A driver’s licence is also preferable, however it is not a necessity.

Do I Need To Complete Timesheets?

Yes. You will be given a timesheet template upon commencing employment and will have to submit it electronically.

Do I Need To Purchase My Own PPE?

Yes. You must have steel cap work boots with shoelaces, long sleeve high visibility shirt, long work pants, hard hat, ear protection and eye protection.

How Many Shifts Will I Work Each Week?

It depends on the work available at the time. Some positions are more ongoing whereas others may be for a day or two.

What Happens If It Rains?

If wet weather is forecast, prior to leaving your home you must contact the Foreman, provided to you in the job details by Hort Staff, to ascertain whether work is to go ahead despite the weather conditions. If you are advised to continue on to the work site and work is cancelled upon arrival, then you are paid 1 hour to cover your travel costs to site. In the event work commences and is then needed to be cancelled, a minimum of 4 hours will be charged in order to cover your costs and time.

What To Do If I Injure Myself At Work?

Report the injury to you site manager immediately and then contact Hort Staff to report the incident. You must then make your way to the nearest hospital or to a doctor, depending on the severity of the injury. Once you have been to the hospital/doctor, contact Hort Staff on the outcome of your condition. You will also be required to provide a doctor’s report for worker’s compensation, however, you have 24 hours to report the injury or you will forfeit your insurance cover.